We must ensure that residents, families, schools, and businesses are safe
I will build back our police department, while safeguarding the Civil Rights of each member of the community. I’ll take the lead in helping our vulnerable population and find new ways and resources to reduce homelessness and blight. Revitalizing District 1 and downtown is a high priority for me. I want the citizens of this city to feel proud of it again!
Antioch is no longer a small town
It's the second-largest city in Contra Costa County and 37th in the state. If we want to attract new residents and businesses to Antioch, we need to provide citizens more opportunities to work locally rather than commute long distances.
We have complex issues like other big cities
As a former Antioch City Council member and President of the Antioch Unified School District Board of Trustees, I’ve tackled challenges and produced great results for residents. We can’t allow two more years of drama, lawsuits, recalls, and degradation of Antioch's reputation. Our city's reputation and image matter. The residents of our city, the county, and other regions in California are watching.
I have experience working on the City Council
I fully understand what the job entails. I’ve formed strong relationships with all Council members, city staff, police and fire departments, schools, community organizations and their leaders, businesses, and other key stakeholders.
Along with open discussion, transparency and accountability, we can use our combined talents and ingenuity to find new, creative solutions that will propel Antioch forward.
Stop the divisiveness. Choose JOY.
Improve Antioch. Vote for me on Nov. 8th. Choose JOY!
With a few days remaining until the election, I am reaching out and asking for your support and vote in my District 1 Antioch City Council race. There is a very real chance that the votes in District 1 and District 4 could be split, and we could end up with the same city council we have had for the last two years that has divided our community.
I am running for City Council to bring representation to City residents that is honest, positive and collaborative and to bring the dysfunction and divisiveness of the past two years to an immediate end. District 1’s current representative, Tamisha Torres-Walker’s leadership has fallen short in addressing the broad needs of our community, staffing departments at effective levels, and in building the internal and external relationships so critical to effective governance, stability and unity.
Saying “enough is enough”, is really not enough. We deserve elected leaders that want to work hard and take on the difficult and sometimes controversial challenges facing our community and that can promote our assets and opportunities. I can guarantee you that I will do my research, demand facts, build consensus to ensure we make decisions that will help our community and residents prosper.
As the former Antioch Vice Mayor and Antioch Unified School Board Trustee, I can hit the ground running in bringing positive change to our community. Although there are many challenges and opportunities to work on including homelessness and the revitalization of north Antioch, I have outlined below my top five (5) priorities and what I will immediately work to achieve if elected. We are in the home stretch of our campaign and if you would like to support my campaign, please visit joymotts.org.
1. We must immediately act to bring forward a transparent, open, community involved, nationwide search to hire a new permanent City Manager. Antioch deserves the best and brightest in leading our city staff. Our City Manager must have extensive knowledge and experience in city management, public works, engineering, community development and more to successfully manage the critical needs of our city, support the City Council and help move our city forward.
2. Our Police Department is dangerously understaffed, and we currently have at any time only 5 to 6 officers on patrol for a city of over 117,000. When I was on Council, I supported staffing the police department to 116 sworn officers. In just two years’ time we currently, we have less than 75 sworn officers and with the real possibility of losing more. I will work together with the Chief of Police supporting his community policing model and in helping to build back our Police Department staffing levels so that we can effectively keep our residents and businesses safe. We can do this at the same time as we work to ensure transparency and that our Police Department is held to the highest ethical standards. We must support them with the tools, training and expertise they need to create a safe and inclusive community.
3. I will demand for the hiring of additional Code Enforcement Officers to address blight and illegal dumping as this department has been critically understaffed for decades. Broken windows and abandoned and boarded up homes and businesses are a magnet for crime. I will ensure that voter approved Measure O is fully implemented to help maintain and manage the hundreds of investment properties in Antioch that are not being properly maintained. The lack of accountability for irresponsible property owners is hurting our property values, tenants and residents and our quality of life.
4. Our Economic Development Department needs knowledgeable, proven, experienced staffing that will enable us to compete in today’s economy, by supporting existing businesses, infrastructure and bringing employers with good paying local jobs to our community and residents. This will also help increase tax revenues to support and stabilize our city’s finances and services that for far too long have been heavily dependent on volatile property tax revenue. Our adjoining cities are leaps ahead in strategies to support a vibrant job market. We need to be leaders, not followers.
5. Relationships, collaboration, consensus building is lacking at Antioch City Hall, this must be immediately addressed. Currently, some Council members are being blocked from speaking with staff, which is an outrage. City Council members hire two people, the City Manager and the City Attorney. City council members must have access to those individuals and city staff to ensure they have the necessary information they need to make the very best decisions for our community. We need strong partnerships, such as the Antioch Unified School District to support student success, Chamber of Commerce to support our local and small businesses, and revitalization developers to help with in fill market and affordable housing. The key to Antioch’s success is a community working together with a common goal of helping every resident thrive.
I hope to have your support in accomplishing this. Please remember to make your voice count by November 8th. Vote Joy Motts for Antioch City Council, District 1! Choose Joy!
Debemos asegurarnos que los residentes, las familias, las escuelas y los negocios estén seguros
Reconstruiré nuestro departamento de policía, mientras resguardo los derechos civiles de cada miembro de la comunidad. Tomaré la iniciativa para ayudar a nuestra población vulnerable y encontrar nuevas formas y recursos para reducir la falta de vivienda y la deterioración. Revitalizar el Distrito 1 y el centro de la ciudad es una alta prioridad para mí. ¡Quiero que los ciudadanos de esta ciudad se sientan orgullosos de ella otra vez!
Antioch ya no es una ciudad pequeña
Es la segunda ciudad más grande en Contra Costa y la 37 en el estado. Si queremos atraer a nuevos residentes y negocios a Antioch, debemos proveer a nuestros ciudadanos más oportunidades de trabajo local en vez de que tengan que viajar largas distancias todos los días.
Tenemos problemas complejos, al igual que otras grandes ciudades
Como ex miembro del Concejo Municipal de Antioch y Presidenta de la Junta de Fideicomisarios del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Antioch, he enfrentado desafíos y producido excelentes resultados para los residentes. No podemos permitir dos años más de drama, demandas, destituciones y degradación de la reputación de Antioch. La reputación y la imagen de nuestra ciudad importan. Los residentes de nuestra ciudad, el condado y otras regiones de California están observando.
Tengo experiencia trabajando en el concejo municipal
Entiendo perfectamente lo que implica el trabajo. He formado relaciones sólidas con todos los miembros del Concejo, el personal de la ciudad, los departamentos de policía y bomberos, las escuelas, las organizaciones comunitarias y sus líderes, negocios y otras partes interesadas clave.
Por medio de discusiones abiertas, la transparencia y la rendición de cuentas, podemos usar nuestros talentos e ingenio combinados para encontrar soluciones nuevas y creativas que impulsen a Antioch hacia adelante.
Paremos la división. Elija a JOY.
Mejoremos a Antioch. Vote por mi el 8 de noviembre. Elija a JOY!
Both the East Bay Times and Mercury News endorse Joy for Antioch City Council District 1.
Antioch residents support Joy for Antioch City Council District 1.
Joy Motts Candidate for Antioch City Council 2022, District 1
My roots run deep in this city. I’m a lifelong resident of Antioch and District 1.
My grandparents, Fred and Augusta Mails, came from Colorado and began living in Antioch in 1925. Antioch has been home to my family for almost 100 years!
My father, Robert Motts, was a proud WWII U.S. Army 3rd Division veteran and worked at US Steel for more than 30 years. My mother and namesake, Joy, was an active community leader serving on the Antioch School Board for more than 20 years. Like me, she was an unwavering advocate for students and public education.
My brother, sister, and their families all still live in downtown Antioch and are also active in the community. My daughter teaches at Antioch High School.
I attended Antioch schools, Los Medanos College, and Sacramento State University. At the age of 16, I worked in the fields of Brentwood alongside migrant farm workers picking and sorting tomatoes. In my early 20s, I was one of the first women since WWII to work at US Steel. And, yes, I had to prove myself in a male-dominated industry. I’ve been a lifeguard, bartender, and worked in the mortgage industry for 25 years, while being a single parent raising a daughter. I’ve never been afraid of hard work.
I have a "blended" family with my husband, John. My youngest, Rachel, is a teacher, Katie is an attorney in Washington state, and our son, Patrick, works in the field of marketing in Oakland.
Antioch has changed. We have “big city” problems. I’ve been fortunate to travel to places around the world and be exposed to large, amazingly beautiful and diverse cities. When I see these cities, I think of Antioch and all the possibilities here. The city’s slogan, “Opportunity Lives Here,” is more true today than ever before.
I’m a strong, independent leader who works diligently to affect change and get results. The residents of Antioch are hardworking people. They deserve a good quality of life.
Joy Motts Candidata para el Concejo Municipal de Antioch 2022, Distrito 1.
Mis raíces son profundas en esta ciudad. Eh sido residente de Antioch y del Distrito 1 toda mi vida.
Mis abuelos, Fred y Augusta Mails, vinieron de Colorado a vivir en Antioch en 1925. Antioch ha sido el hogar de mi familia durante casi 100 años.
Mi padre, Robert Motts, era un orgulloso veterano de la 3.ª División del Ejército de EE. UU. de la segunda guerra mundial y trabajó en US Steel durante más de 30 años. Mi madre y tocaya, Joy, fue una líder comunitaria muy activa que sirvió en la Junta Escolar de Antioch durante más de 20 años. Al igual que yo, fue una defensora inquebrantable de los estudiantes y la educación pública.
Mi hermano, mi hermana y sus familias todavía viven en el centro de Antioch y también son miembros activos de la comunidad. Mi hija es maestra en Antioch High School.
Asistí a las escuelas de Antioch, Los Medanos College y Sacramento State University. A la edad de 16 años, trabajé en los campos de Brentwood junto con trabajadores agrícolas inmigrantes recogiendo y clasificando tomates. Cuando tenía poco más de 20 años, fui una de las primeras mujeres desde la segunda guerra mundial en trabajar en US Steel. Y sí, tenía que demostrar que si podía en una industria dominada por hombres. He sido salvavidas, cantinera y trabajé en la industria hipotecaria durante 25 años, mientras era madre soltera y criaba a una hija. Nunca le he tenido miedo al trabajo duro.
Tengo una familia "mezclada" con mi esposo, John. Mi hija menor, Rachel, es maestra, Katie es abogada en el estado de Washington y nuestro hijo, Patrick, trabaja en el campo de la mercadotecnia en Oakland.
Antioch ha cambiado. Tenemos problemas de “gran ciudad”. He tenido la suerte de viajar a lugares de todo el mundo y estar expuesta a ciudades grandes, asombrosamente hermosas y diversas. Cuando veo estas ciudades, pienso en Antioch y todas las posibilidades que hay aquí. El eslogan de la ciudad, "La oportunidad vive aquí", es más cierto hoy que nunca.
Soy una líder fuerte e independiente que trabaja diligentemente para generar cambios y obtener resultados. Los habitantes de Antioch son gente trabajadora. Se merecen una buena calidad de vida.
Former Mayor Don Freitas
President, Antioch School Board Gary Hack
Former School Board Trustee Barbara Cowan
Former County Board of Education Trustee Richard Asadoorian
Antioch Police Officers Association
Contra Costa Building and Construction Trades Council
Sheet Metal Air Rail Transportation Local Union No. 104
Iron Workers Local 378
Int'l Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 302
Bricklayers, Tilesetters and Allied Craftworkers Local 3
Operating Engineers Local Union #3
Sharon Beswick
Jim and Earlene Lanter
Kim and Rick Stadtlander
Sheri and TJ Thompson
Erica Amaya
Tom LaMothe and Katie Cook LaMothe
Velma and Clark Wilson
Robin Agopian
Bari Costello
Selina Button
Michael Simpson
Vince Anderson
Larry Elcenko
Paul and Alena Schmidt
Julie Berry
Michael Gabrielson
Maria and John Myers
Jennifer and Tim Hughes
Connie Komar
Jody Mattison
Susan Welch
Ciara Bella
Denise and Dennis Skaggs
Korina Gonzales Anderson
Shayna Shapiro
Chris Mathews
Lazaroy Brown
Kisha Jarvis
Carla Baker Marymee
Christopher Baker
Eddie Beaudin
(If you care about Antioch's future and want to endorse JOY,
email carlamarymee@gmail.com
Help secure resources to drive JOY's campaign to success on Tuesday, Nov. 8.
Join our office staff and help with all the 'behind the scenes' tasks that keep us going.
Love to chat with both neighbors and strangers as well? Have we got a sweet role for you on our campaign phone bank.
Voters respond to personal interaction. Knock on doors and share some JOY throughout District 1.
Got wheels? We could use your help moving supplies, food and campaign materials to and from our office.
Chronicle our campaign with a steady stream of photos and videos demonstrating Joy's dedication to improving Antioch.
Paid for by Joy Motts for Antioch City Council, District 1, 2022 FPPC#1442233
Copyright © 2022 Antioch City Council candidate Joy Motts, District 1 - All Rights Reserved.
Copy by Carla Baker Marymee © 2022